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August 7   Neil Sedaka ends his tour of Italy and is off to Great chubby naked girls Britain to promote the English release of "Breaking Up chubby naked girls Is Hard To Do." Early August   Brenda Lee is at the Concord Hotel at the Catskil Mountains resort of Lake Kaimesha, New York. chubby naked girls August 8   The Ray Charles Show with seventeen piece orchestra is in Vancouver, British Columbia.  4500 attend and the show grosses $11000.  Joey Dee and the Starliters are on American Bandstand and sing "What Kind of Love Is This." August 10   Dick Clark is the host for tonights entertainment at the Illinois State Fair in Chicago.  The Flamingos begin a week at the Hialeah Club in Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 12   The Everly Brothers are at the Steel Pier in Atlantic City.
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