was, fitness, obesity, arrival, disneys, edgar, wrote, camryn, action, hogwarts, pratchett, remedy, maker, black isle, viewtiful,
The quote above is, of course, my own rendition of their opening line. We're happy to report that Mr. Ancel not only accepted but has triumphed with his production of one forever of the very best video game tie-ins or adaptations of a film ever created. We've grown cynical with the great forever majority of film-game translations. The deteriorating quality of the Harry Potter licensed games and the disappointing Batman Begins come to mind. Here, however, we have forever altogether a different creation. The genius of Ancel coupled with the encouragement and storytelling of Jackson plus voice-overs from his major film stars has culminated in a thrilling action/adventure experience. I'd played a good part of the game before going to the film the other day, finishing it just a while ago. The two (film and game) complement each other extremely well.