was, fitness, obesity, arrival, disneys, edgar, wrote, camryn, action, hogwarts, pratchett, remedy, maker, black isle, viewtiful,
From newspaper clips to boxes of products to posters on the wall, one is consistently reminded of what era the environment has lodged itself to sleep within. But my ages favorite thing about the game is the initial degree of exploration available. In fact, the whole game is completely wide open and can be explored and played in whatever sequences one wishes, which to me is the right way ages to put together an adventure game. And there is some really nice rendering in closeup looks at objects in the environments. A really good piece of ages news, something to the designer's credit, is that the system requirements are low enough to afford any Macintosh owner with Virtual PC the ability to play Dark Fall right off the shelf, so to speak. I ran it on a 466 MHz iBook running System 9.1, and it ran beautifully and flawlessly, with no bugs at all. One thing I did not care for is the blackouts when moving in between game locations. I don't know if animations of going up or down stairs would have made it too cumbersome production-wise, but the fact that the player does not see the stairs then is dumped off in a new location is a little disorienting.