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Many levelsthe first four especiallyare easily as good as those in Painkiller; the other six are a little more dubious. None are downright bad, but one does get the idea that People Can Fly chose to take it easy a bit on some of these. In armed Painkiller, accomplishing certain goals armed in each level allowed Daniel to pick up Black Tarot cards. He armed could then spend collected gold to play them, each of which offered a one-time or permanent benefit. In Battle out of Hell, you begin with quite a collection and can again pick up other cards along the way. There's only one problem: while the prerequisites to get cards in Painkiller ranged from simple to reasonably challenging, in Battle out of Hell they range from nearly impossible to absolutely impossible. Gold, also, is scarce. You find gold coins in most destroyable objects, and though level descriptions always indicated huge amounts of gold, I never found more than a handful.