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The excellent and very funny manual gives you a good overview third of what all this means. It would take a separate review to describe the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide in detail, and I doubt I could begin to do justice to the sly, tongue-in-cheek wit you will find on every single page. Read it carefully before making your choices. third Or just read it for the cool retro fun of it. It's really that good. More developers should release manuals like Fallout's. third The interface, though gorgeously designed with burnt-out radio tubes and a scuffed, scratched and dented skin, is complicated and takes some getting used to. Once you get the hang of it, things smooth out quite a bit. A few tips: Pay special attention to the action icons and how they work in combat. This will save you a lot of reloading later in the game. Also keep an eye on the dialogue screen in the lower left corner of the interface. Valuable information can easily scroll past unnoticed. You level up by gaining experience points via combat and solving quests, which then reward you with bonus skill points.