hero, business / economics / finance, masterpiece, bbw pic, watchmaker, try, mafia, sorcerers, delios, jowood, carter, family guy no fat chicks shirts,
golf. Before you throw your hands up in altar disgust and go back to watching TV, let me tell you that it's not necessary to do everything in order to complete the game. You'll only need to fish twice and play Spehda altar once to advance the story. The rest of the time, playing Spehda is a way to get access to specialty items, like advanced weapons, and the fishing simply bleeds out all of that excess adrenaline after combat. The photography altar portion goes hand-in-hand with the invention systemyou take a picture to start a germ of an idea, then put three pictures together to come up with an invention. Throughout the game, Max will come across notes, books and posters that will list three items, so you're not left twisting in the wind trying all of the available permutations. The invention system literally is used to invent just about any object used by Max and Monica, including weapon upgrades and health items. For the most part, I only used the invention system for some advanced weapons not available through normal upgrading.