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Apparently the developers view the world as a scary place eager to hurt the inquisitive girl detective. Now reasonable caution is only common sense and board something any responsible adult would impart to a child, but its being such a prominent a feature of the gameplay quickly came to oppress this player. By the time I finished this game (and I played it on Senior Detective setting) I had taken to checking my jacket when I left the house in board the morning for fear someone from board Her Interactive had tiptoed in in the middle of the night and pinned a pair of mittens to my lapel. What Did You Expect? Silent Hill? For all the annoying potty training this game indulges in, Nancy Drew Danger on Deception Island is a good game. It is not a great game, and it is not a bad game. It's certainly not a game I'll remember a couple of months from now, nothing like Secret of the Lost Rainforest or Search for Cetus or Pepper's Adventures in Time, but if you need a break from the more adult fare you're playing, Nancy Drew Danger on Deception Island might be just the ticket.