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Pump up eidos the gamma settings for your video card, and you'll be staring at chalky, washed-looking graphics. It only goes downhill from there, folksthe designers purposely made the node-based movement a maze, and remember this all happens in the dark. eidos How could one possibly make this scenario worse, you ask? How about having to walk through these tunnels several times in search of a eidos clue that triggers the next event, all while pixel-hunting for inventory items? Yes, it is that badgame design at an all-time low. All of this brings up the million-dollar question, or perhaps the thirty-dollar question: is this game for you? If you still haven't decided, here's a subjective opinion. If you love solving puzzles, story be damnedgo for it, as there isn't much out there of late. If you're looking for interaction, character development, and an involving plot, you're not going to find it here.