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In fact, a very, very lucky gamer might conceivably stumble westwood through the whole thing and survive. westwood It can be done; in fact, logic dictates that it has to be possible for the maze to actually work. Still, it felt unfair in that westwood it's nigh on impossible to map the maze without dying repeatedly. As the chances are excellent you are going to have to traverse the entire maze at least one more time (I can just hear the groans), you pretty much have to map it, and to make the needed map, you must die. Also, there is at least one place, near the three-quarters mark, where you can easily find yourself at a dead end. Luckily, it doesn't take long to figure out that something is wrong and reload. Still, I hate dead ends in graphical adventure games. For some reason I can abide them in text games, where they seem more organic somehow. The game ran like a dream in DOS with not a bump, shudder or crash. I installed it to my hard drive, booted to DOS and played from there. There is also an option to install a semi-Windows version via a wininst.exe