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However, if I had put a screenshot of Divine Divinity onto my desktop, I would have seen more of it. It crashed back to Windows XP, windows sometimes several times an hour, throughout 70% of the game. I never run programs in the background of my Athlon XP/All in Wonder Radeon 9700 Pro rig, and I even swapped windows CDs at the store and then deleted and reinstalled the game, along with trying one or windows both of the two patches. Nothing helped. Four out of five WinXP DD players I polled had similar crashing issues. Most of us also encountered areas where random enemies would oddly disappear and reappear in the same spots, too (even patched). Okay, finebut I should have had a free, unlimited invisibility spell at my disposal too! Divine Divinity's compulsory combat is of the standard, mouse-clicking D RPG nature (you know: Diablo, Diablo II, Darkstone, Dungeon Siege, etc.), except that there is no multiplayer, and only one playable character can be chosen among the three character classes.