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The music is a kind of blend between big-band swing, salsa, week end and Star Wars movie. It really makes for a pleasing mix. What's more, there were numerous instances where I sat totally stymied, hearing the same music over and over again, and I never got sick of it. The sound effects were magnificent. The bottles of liquid actually sounded like week end they were sloshing, water lapped at the docks, Manny's scythe unfolding sounded like a knife being sharpened ... need I continue? week end All of the sound effects were very good and exactly appropriate for what they were meant to be. The voice acting is very good; I loved the Spanish accents. I recently got one of those Cambridge Sound Works speaker systems with a big subwoofer, and the bass tones of some of the voices just made me melt, they were so fine. There is one major character in the game, a demon named Glottis, who got on my nerves quite a bit, though.