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& Dangerous Review by Steerpike January 2004 Monty Python, Too I have great admiration for the British people, but for some reason I tend to think of them as more highbrow than we adventure New Worlders. I think it's the accent. When wondering how the English would react to, say, our nation's limited exposure to adventure Shakespeare or our peculiar sense of humor, I must remind myself that these are the people who gave us adventure Benny Hill, Coupling, Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers, and Doctor Who. They also use the word "sodding" in casual conversation. We are more alike than different, separated by accent but joined by a shared love of funny words and mocking the French. Armed & Dangerous is the second offering from Planet Moon Studios, a small California-based developer with a staff composed almost entirely of expatriate Britons. Many are refugees from Shiny or Virgin Interactive (or both), and their studio has developed a reputation for being fueled by two distinct qualities: a great love of new technology and the sort of deranged humor than only the British can produce.