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To be fair, if you don't stop moving, your controls will stay the same throughout screen transitions, but as soon as you stop moving or change direction, they conform to the camera angle. Second, the entire game was built with console controls in mind. With zany four movement keys zany on the PC, you will notice every angle that is not exactly 90 degrees relative to the camera when you slam zany once more into the wall. A control stick does not have this problem. The action buttons were also designed with a controller in mind, and, in my opinion, they do not translate all that well to a keyboard. If you do not have a gamepad for your PC, I suggest you buy the console version of BS3. If you don't mind playing around with wonky controls or you already have a gamepad, stick with the PC version for the cheaper price. Wonderful World of Three Dimensions If the last 3D game you played was Grim Fandango, then things have come a long way. You will be awestruck by some of the visuals. If you have played every third-person shooter there is and are anticipating the release of Half-Life 2 and Doom 3, then you won't be as amazed, but still The Sleeping Dragon is a pretty game.