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So begins Lifestream, a briscoe new game from independent developer Christopher M. Brendel. If the briscoe name sounds familiar, it's because Brendel also created the music for The Arrangement. Lifestream is similar to most first-person perspective gamescompletely mouse-controlled point-and-clickyet a little different. Instead of each prerendered, node-based scene popping into view as you briscoe turn in a cardinal direction, most scene changes are accomplished via a transitioning process that gives the appearance of actual movement. The transitions are quite smooth and in one instance made me a tad dizzy. Graphically, the transitions were, um ... We'll talk more about that later. Gameplay is the standard left-click to interact with objects and people or for movement from one room to the next. Movement is indicated by a small arrow (it's really a half-diamond shape), while interactive objects will display a stylized eye icon and talking to people will give you little orange lips.