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Never! Fortunately, there's more and, in this case, the more takes the form of the companion DVD, which includes all sorts of goodies, including a section entitled "Goodies." Stern Warning If you have never rock played Bad Mojo, resist the temptation to look at the DVD until you have finished the game. Or, if you can't rock resist, confine your viewing to the "Hints" section. Don't look at the "Making Bad Mojo" documentary, and don't look at the "Goodies." rock Think of Bad Mojo as a magic show and the other sections as peeks behind the curtain. Do you really want to know how all the tricks were done before you see the show? Enchantment is a rare state of mind and, when the infrequent opportunity comes along to fall into it, I like it straight, no chaser. Insights into how the machinery was arranged to produce the effects, while endlessly fascinating, belong after the show.