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Which would you choose to do? Leave him a way out. Is a lunar eclipse a good or a bad omen for an army that must flee? A good omen. If the enemy camp is to the west, swat and you've camped out to the east, do you attack in the morning or swat wait until the afternoon? The morning. If your cavalry is greater than that of the enemy, will you seek a battle on the plains or in rugged terrain? On the plains. If you are fighting with your back to the sea, swat are you better off attacking at day's end or in the morning? At day's end. While sacrificing prior to the battle, twelve birds of prey fly off to your right. What do you do? I attack with confidence. You get as many tries as you need; just keep talking to him until you get four right in a row. This Means War! You must place your four groups in the correct spots to win the battle. Pigs go in front. The Numidian cavalry goes closest to the sea, the Etruscans and Gauls go behind the pigs, and the Balearic Slingers go closest to the rough terrain.