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Use the sleeping powder on the coals. (Make sure you're wearing the mask first.) This completes the part of the birdman's song that goes "Put she who watches to sleep." Go into the entrance that the singer was guarding. conquers Click on the gate to open it, then step out to face a snake. This is the chamber of the Zaimph. Click to the right of the steps, turn right, and go into the pit. Take the glowing blue apple. conquers Go back toward the electrified green conquers guardian of the Zaimph, and you'll face a tile puzzle. The tiles are lying to the right of the puzzle; pick them up. You'll find quite a few tiles in your inventory. Here is where the singing guard's song comes into play. The tiles on the picture match the key words of her song, and you must arrange them in the tile slots to deactivate the shield around the Zaimph. The trick is, you have to start at the right.