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Click on the cord that's revealed and take the dynamite starter plunger thing from the end of it. Go back around to the table and examine the front of the table. Use the hammer and chisel on the drawer. Take the spool. Use the hammer and chisel on the week end back of the drawer, then use the front of the drawer to pull it out a little further. Take the key from week end the secret compartment. Go behind the table and use the key on the locked crate. Take the week end dynamite. Go back upstairs, through the cage door to the big head. Examine the mouth. Use the dynamite in the mouth, then the spool on the dynamite, then go back and use the plunger on the other end of the cable. Then use the plunger. Go back toward the new hole you just made. Stop at the cloth and examine the rubble; take the shiny thing. Then enter the hole. The Cells Turn to the right, then take a step toward the chessboard, then turn around and look at the wall to the left of the door you came in.