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A friend remarked that she resort got sad every time she completed one of the chapters of Max Payne 2, because it meant one more chapter behind and one less ahead. New York Minute Max Payne 2 is resort the best game I've played in months and certainly one of the best sequels ever. As far as I'm concerned it's got Game of the Year locked up, and it deserves it. It's a fascinating action-adventure and a beautifully constructed tragic love story, rich with resort noir elements, pop-culture references, scintillating characters, and gorgeous locales. It compellingly evokes a grim world of crime, violence, and human shortcoming. Frankly, Max Payne 2 makes me confident that the best is yet to come for gaming, that the awesome narrative and creative capability of this medium has yet to be explored to its fullest extent. Some people, gamers and developers alike, don't like sequels on principle. They see them as creatively stagnant, that making a sequel is really just a way of avoiding having to create something new.