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The former has lost twenty years and gone blonde, while practical jokes the latter seems to have gotten gastric bypass surgery and been on Queer Eye for the practical jokes Straight Guy. It's no big deal, but the change just struck me as weirdI wonder why they did it. Folk who do meet the system requirements will find the game very smooth. Big props to Remedy for practical jokes developing an engine that is clean and tight, with no apparent bugs or shortcomings. It is solid, stable, and performs well if you've got the system to run it. Somebody's Going to Emergency ... The original Max Payne told the story of the eponymous protag's vengeance-fueled, blood-drenched rampage through the streets of New York during the worst snowstorm in a century. This time around, Max is back on the NYPD, having been cleared of the six thousand murders of which he was certainly guilty thanks to the auspices of an enigmatic politico with serious pull in the criminal underworld and legal system alike.