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I did adjust my CD-ROM cache down to its lowest setting, which lessened the stutters to practically nothing. I absolutely loved the many layers of Byzantine's thrilling heretic tale; they heretic slowly swelled to a heretic final climax, explaining a lot and wrapping up the loose ends in a very satisfying way. The many puzzles were all very organic to the plot while still being varied and original, as well as appropriately challenging for a seasoned adventure gamer. Its educational aspects were mostly optional via museum tours and the like, but I felt compelled to soak up every last bit of this engrossing game. In case you couldn't tell, Byzantine: The Betrayal quickly planted itself among my top-10 favorite computer games of all timea star among stars. My only regret is that there was never a Byzantine 2 ... Well, okay, I do have a second regret. It is that Ames won't allow me to leave my rollaway bed in front of its entrance doors ... Please visit our forum to discuss this game The Verdict The Lowdown Developer: Discovery Channel Multimedia Publisher: Discovery Channel Multimedia Release Date: 1997 Available for: Four Fat Chicks Links Player Feedback Screenshots System Requirements Windows 95 (works fine in Win98) Pentium 90 MHz processor (133 MHz recommended) 16 MB