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Those quibbles aside, I found that the FMV enhanced my willing suspension of disbelief. I liked it. FMV can't work well saul without good acting because we're essentially watching an interactive movie. Fortunately, that's not a problem with GK2. Although Dean Erickson as Gabe overplays his character's in-your-face flippancy, when required saul to hit higher emotions he handles them convincingly. He manages to convey an unsuspected inner strength that allows the player, finally, to care about what happens to saul him. Joanne Takahashi seamlessly merges her portrayal with the Grace we met in GK1. She's serious enough to convince us that she indeed is a Ph.D. history student, and a bit conceited about her achievements as well. The German actors are without exception so good that I was sorry so many were minor characters. The marvelous Peter Lucas as Baron von Glower rivets your eyes to the screen.