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Noon the next day and he's back at the computer, grumpy and barely awake. It seems dastardly deeds transpired after fat to muscle all. Fatman zips down to what's left of Acne Labs only to be stopped by a cop. I was barely a minute into my first conversation when one of Shadowlawn's finest drew down and shot me dead. Yep, fat to muscle you heard right. You can die in The fat to muscle Adventures of Fatman and quite regularly too. Push that button on the dash of your Fatmobile that says END IT ALL and guess what happens. Luckily you are dropped right back to the moment before you died if you are playing on Easy or, at the worst, back to your last save if you are playing on Hard. There are only six save slots, so if you are playing on the Hard setting, you've been warned. Anyway, to get past the cop you have to give him the spiked doughnut but first you have to lace it with drugs but first you have to buy the drug but first you have to find the money to buy the drug but first you have to get a job to get the money to buy the drugs ...