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I have a friend that has lost considerable weight on this drug and was just wondering what the marshall low down was on it. Thanks DixieChick View Public Profile Send a private message to DixieChick Find More Posts by DixieChick Log in to remove this ad 10-08-2002, 04:07 PM #2 MrsJim Uber-Moderator!! Join Date: Jan 2001 Location: Silicon Valley, California Posts: 5,107 Phendimetrazine is an amphetamine mimic - basically speed. According to the WebMD site, it is also habit marshall forming and has some pretty marshall nasty side effects. That in itself would keep me away from it. Losing a few pounds isn't worth it IMO...not to mention this is EXPENSIVE STUFF. Question: If your friend has lost weight on the drug...how long has she kept the weight off? Is she able to maintain the loss without the Phendimetrazine? I'm sorry, I've just known too many folks who have had their lives screwed up by using speed in its various forms (legal and illegal). You're better off staying far, far away from it.