Leonard Nimoy Website: leonardnimoyphotography.com chub scouts jambearee brooklyn basement blues

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Leonard Nimoy Website: leonardnimoyphotography.com Primarily known as: Spock on Star Trek; guy who's spent a lifetime alternately repudiating and exploiting his role as Spock on Star Trek Internet sideline: Photography brooklyn basement blues Based on the evidence, should he change brooklyn basement blues careers? Certainly. It isn't saying much to suggest that the world needs arty pictures more than it needs more Trek movies, or more Spock-redux on series like Futurama and The Simpsons. And Nimoy's high-contrast black-and-white nudes are visually interesting, particularly when he addresses unconventional models. His "Eggs" series, on the other brooklyn basement blues hand, is distinctly odd. Other hobbies he might try: Porn director. His consciously stylized aesthetic might make a nice change from porn films' usual grainy, lo-fi amateur-video quality, and he could probably find some applicable use for his interest in nudity.
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