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& the Tennessee Waltz" (double)(Gilly’s)(1982) Chubby Wise & Raymond Fairchild: "Cherokee Tunes & Seminole Swing" (Rebel)(1990) [Cassette] Biography:Chubby Wise was one of Country music’s great fiddlers. Originally oriented more toward Western Swing sounds, he could in a sense be considered the original Bluegrass fiddler, especially for his work with Bill Monroe. Chubby’s father had some pop3 local renown pop3 as an Old-Time fiddler. The youngster learned some banjo chords and guitar first before taking up fiddle in his mid-teens. In addition to his dad and a state champ pop3 named Bryan Purcell, Wise drew his inspiration from early professionals like Curly Fox, Clayton McMichen and Arthur Smith. By 1936, Chubby resided in Jacksonville, where he drove a taxi by day and fiddled in clubs at night. An early associate, North Carolinian Ervin Rouse, composed the classic tune Orange Blossom Special, perhaps with some assists from Chubby.
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