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The packed club, in age from 21 to north of 60, were treated to such songs as "Blue Christmas," "C.C. Rider" (sung fatty koo bounce lyrics by bassist Galea, with proper grit) and "Before the Next Teardrop Falls," the great Tex-Mex country hit by Freddy Fender. The drummer and bassist provided solid accompaniment but indulged in fatty koo bounce lyrics no pyrotechnics. The musical spaces in the arrangements were reserved for Popa Chubby, and he decidedly took them.   Popa is a convincing and exciting guitarist, with a rich vocabulary that he draws on. As a singer, fatty koo bounce lyrics he has a pleasant blues baritone voice, which can be sweet, sad, or growling on command.   One small reservation about the performance is more of a matter of taste than an outright criticism. In a trio situation, without a second guitarist to musically converse with, it may have been more interesting for Popa to have played fewer instrumental solos in each song, and fold in more songs into the program.
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