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Artesia, Long Beach, CA 90805 Phone: (562) 422-1928. This fat tits tgp place is the host den for the local girth and mirth group, which meets there monthly for fun and frolic. Definitely the place to find a chub or fat tits tgp a bear! The Lone Star Saloon in San Francisco is legendary for "Daddies, Bears, Bikers & Mayhem." They don't seem to have a website, but here is some information about the Lone fat tits tgp Star: 1354 Harrison St San Francisco, CA 94103-4310 Phone: (415) 863-9999 MetroBears Bar Nights at The Dugout, NYC The Metrobears of New York City regularly hosts chub & bear events at the famed West Village bar. The bar has been a long time host of bear, blue collar & chub events.