The Paperboys, The Road community art amateur rugby

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The Paperboys, The Road To Ellenside, Fall Down With You 39. Curley Taylor & Zydeco Trouble, Rough Guide to Zydeco, Dreamin' 40. Swamperella, Black Cat Boogie, Black Cat Boogie 41. Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys, Dominos, amateur rugby Le Pays Des Etrangers 42. Rosie Ledet, Pick It Up, Zydeco Boogaloo amateur rugby 43. Mary Gauthier, Mercy Now, amateur rugby Wheel Inside The Wheel 44. Le Vent Du Nord, Les Amants du Saint Laurent, Marguerite 45. Julie Fowlis, Mar A Tha Mo Chridhe - As My Heart Is, Puirt 46. Michael McGoldrick, Wired, The Hillsbrook Reels 47. Mary Jane Lamond, Storas, Gur E Mo Run An Domhnallach 48. Solas, Waiting for an Echo, On A Sea of Fleur de Lys 49. Celtic Fiddle Festival, Play On, An Droiou 50. Danu, When All Is Said & Done, Only 19 Years Old 51. Boys of the Lough, Da Day Dawn, Da Day Dawn December 24, 2005 - Christmas Eve Special This week's themes were a combination of Christmas / Kwanzaa / Solstice / Hannukah songs and some of my favourite CDs of 2005 (the New Year's Eve special will be a much more comprehensive look back at the year's best - from my own humble perspective).
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