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. . The Chubby Checkers Club has been specifically designed to help pets rediscover chubby belly their waste line. Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder seen in cats and dogs. In Australia, 41% of dogs and 33% of cats are considered obese. At Coast & Country Vets we consider any pet with chubby belly a weight problem a "Chubby Checker"! As in humans this problem can be easily tackled if given the right advice and tools to reshape your pet. Our qualified Veterinary Nurse will design a calorie controlled program which includes chubby belly exercise and a few tips to help reshape your pet. What is obesity? Obesity is a condition where a pet's weight is greater than 15% above normal It is more common in older animals, females and certain breeds 1 in 3 pets are overweight As a member of the CHUBBY CHECKERS CLUB your pet will receive: FREE WEIGHT Loss Consultation - A full consultation with our Chubby Checkers nurse to detail your pet's current weight, goal weight and design calorie controlled diet.