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Check in at other times and watch Ty talk to himself. Get your recipes ready, get set, and SWAP! May is our inaugural month of recipe-swapping! This first month's theme will be "The recipe for days energy resources when I have a major project due and I need to spend all my time energy resources working on it and not slaving in the kitchen." Ladies who submit driving directions to their favorite take-out place will be subjected to a stern lecture from the home-cooking queen herself, Betty Crocker, and I will poke them with my meat thermometer. The reason energy resources I chose this theme is because I have one huge albatross of a project weighing me down and I haven't got the time to spend making a meal with a lot of prep. I still value marginal nutrition, but don't want to resort to hot dogs until this giant leech of time has sucked me dry. But of course, what do I do? I choose an intricate dish calling for several hours of preparation involving the boiling of a vegetable and 3/4 doz fowl ovaries, and I spend no time on the beast project, on purpose.