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Snider Alberta St. Pub-Clampitt, Gaddis pgs & Buck, Whiskey Puppy, Ghost Society, Cherry Wolf, 9 pm, $5 Alexander's Lounge-Ron Steen Jazz Jam, 8 pm, free Apotheke-Hurricane Benefit: pgs Solenoid, Ignatius, Agmotronik, Nomadic Noize, Dizzystarhouse, DJ Strategy, DJ Gasp, 8 pm Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall-Oregon Symphony w/Roberta Flack, 8 pm, $27-76 Ash St. Saloon-DeHaviland, The Imprints, Jasmine Ash, $6 BC's American Saloon-Port Authority, Emily Herring Beale Street-NW Rose City Kings Berbati's Pan-Dan Bern & The IJBC, Garrin Benfield, 9:30 pm, $13.50-15; King Fader, 9:30 pm, free (barside) Biddy McGraw's-Ashbury Park Bitter End-OCD, pgs Sambusa Blue Monk-New Orleans Straight Ahead, 9 pm, $5 Boons Treasury-Scotland Barr & The Slow Drags, 9 pm, free Bossanova-Koto y Soto, DJ Teenage, 9 pm, $4 Brasserie Montmartre-Randy Porter Trio Buffalo Gap-Lander, 9 pm Chinook Winds Casino-John Michael Montgomery, 8 pm Clyde's Prime Rib-Lloyd Allen Corner Saloon-Junkyard Dogs Crystal Ballroom-Hot Rod Deville, 9 pm, $5 (Lola's) Dante's-Geoff Byrd, The Superficials, 9 pm, $10-12 Doug Fir-Hotel Cafe w/Cary Brothers, Imogen Heap, Rachael Yamagata, Tom Mcrae, Butch Walker, KT Tunstall, Jim Bianco, Kevin Devine, Tim Jones, Gary Jules, Jay Nash,
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