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in the Fab Forty. Something else that Brian points out is the amusing bondage sm play on words that provided the stage name for the artist who enters the Fab 40 at #38 this week. Ernest Evans was said to resemble a young Fats Domino, so it seemed only natural he should be renamed Chubby Checker! Additional notes from Mary Payne: A recording of the Kenny and Cash Show broadcast on Thursday, Sept 2nd does indeed include an airing of I'm Down, bondage sm plus a brief interview with Chubby Checker, taped the previous Saturday during the Radio London bondage sm Club afternoon at the Marquee Club. Chubby must have been in the UK promoting his new single and was clearly attempting to shake off his outdated 'twist' image. Kenny and Dave, promoting their own new release, had the Marquee crowd yelling, "We want Knees! We want Knees!" but strangely, did not play their single on the show.Was
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