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OPTIONS:  MAIN  rocco pictures  EVENTS   REVIEWS   MAPS   CHUBBY`S NEWARK NAME: Chubby`s ADDRESS: 26 W. Front St. Red Hook, NJ, Newark TYPE: Live Music Venue PHONE: (732) 741-3637 CONTACT: Ms NiteLife VIEWED: 1381 time(s) RATING: Not rated yet ADD YOUR REVIEW  CHUBBY`S rocco pictures DESCRIPTION Don't miss an afternoon and evening of your favorite bands. Drink Specials. Free T-Shirts to the 1st 100 people to enter. VIP Card giveaway and exchange party. The Bud Light girls and more. All new The Best DJ Dance Party Around every Thursday rocco pictures Night. Playing the best Dance, Hip-Hop and techno music. Ladies 18 to party!!! 21 to drink. Dance on the Bar. Drink specials and giveaways all night long. No special events posted for CHUBBY`S. To add an event, click here. HOTELS NEAR CHUBBY`S  VIEW ALL HOTELS  HotelAddressPrice red roof wilmington 415 stanton christiana rd $60.00 to $60.00 courtyard newark univ delaware 400 pencader way $94.00
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