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Appearing are Ben E. King, hot sexy plumpers com the Shirelles, Chuck Jackson, the Ronettes, Bobby Vinton, the Dovells, Dee Dee Sharp, the Capris, Tommy Roe, the Marvelettes,  the Del Satins, the Majors, Little Eva and Tony Orlando.  The show will run for ten days.  Fabian is paid $2500 for one performance at the Convention Hall in Asbury Park, New Jersey. J ocko's Rocketship Revue at the Apollo theater is headlined by Don Gardner and Dee Dee Gardner.  Other artists include Gary U.S. Bonds, hot sexy plumpers com the Countors, the Impressions, Barbara Lynn and the Dreamlovers. September 3   Chubby Checker starts his tour hot sexy plumpers com of Great Britain.  Ray Charles plays the Memphis City Auditorium. 4500 fans purchase $12000 of tickets. September 6   The Isley Brothers are at the Peppermint Lounge. Sept 7   Rick Nelson is at the World's Fair of Music and Sound at McCormick Place in Chicago.  Bobby Rydell headlines the Hero Scholarship Funs at the Municipal Stadium in Philadelphia. 
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