Jan 2   Joey Dee black xxx

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Jan 2   Joey Dee and the Starliters are at the Crescendo Club xxx in Los Angeles for three xxx weeks. Jan 4   Ray Charles' trial for heroin possesion is set to begin in Indianapolis.  Charles' attorney moves to have the charges dropped. The case is bound over till January 30. Jan 6   Bobby Vee hosts a March of Dimes benefit show in Houston, Texas. xxx Early January  The Marcels open at the Gateway theater in their hometown of Pittsburgh. Jan 12   Brook Benton starts a week at the Regal Theater in Chicago. Jan 13   Bobby Vee hosts a March of Dimes benefit performance in Corpus Christi, Texas. Jan 15   The Shirelles sing "Baby It's You" on American Bandstand. Mid-January   The Drifters are at the Nichigek Theater in Tokyo, Japan. The Ronettes are appearing at the Peppermint Lounge In Miami.
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