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Take the fugu fish. Go back out of the aquarium, then go to the right to enter the kitchen. Use the fugu fish on ice the ice fish pile. Take the bucket. Push the button and enter the cabin. Look at the control panel and push button number 2. Follow the path until you get to the "huge door," then use the huge door. Push the button. Go back and go under the iron curtain ice that you passed earlier. Go toward the top of the screen and get the chili. Go back, go down to door, and use elevator. Go to the left. Pull the lever near the redneck working on the tractor. Go to the doors and use the iron bar. Use the doors. Go back to the kitchen. Use the cupboard, then use the vacuum hose on the "gaz" cylinder. Then use the gaz cylinder itself to turn it on. Use the chili on the gaz stove. Take the chili. Go back through the swinging doors, then all the way back to the yellow door near the elevator.