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The in-game text is a bummer, but the cutscene voices are as fabulous as the graphics! I loved that the save feature and the mouse clicking have been woven right into the tale. The Time Minders are bird-like creatures who are both revered and reviled by the people of fit Anachronox. They are strategically placed; your lead character must pet them so that they allow you to "turn back time" in the story if need be. Your mouse arrow, which changes fit when you can interact with someone or something in-story, is called a Lifecursor. As Jen mentioned, Fatima resides fit in yours except for her occasional holographic appearances. You will see other characters' Lifecursors too, and some NPCs will agitatedly comment about your abusing them with yours if you ask too many questions! Adventure purists need not fear Anachronox's third-person mouse-and-keyboard interface, either.