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For the most part it is rather sparse, with swelling crescendos from time to time when necessary. In the sound department the game relies largely on realistic effectsfor example, since your character's footfalls echo on tile floors, crunch on dried grass, and so on. The high quality of the voice acting also was a treat for this player, whose previous two game choices were The Watchmaker and Jazz and Faust, both of which scrape deep gouges in the bottom of the barrel in that regard. Syberia's characters are given voice either since by professional actors or talented amateurs since who actually lend a bit of personality to their roles instead of merely reading the script aloud. From madness to mechanics, war machines to windup toys, head wounds to heart wounds, Syberia's epic tale covers more than half a century in game time and allows you to spend about 15 to 20 of your real hours playing it, or rather almost living it.