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It's just something for them to read while they run another 10 miles on the treadmill; it has nothing to do with what you and I gabrels might call "reality"... Posted by: jimbo at January 26, 2003 08:32 AM Since when is gabrels Pink (featured in the picture with the article) a plus-size? Is gabrels 3 considered obese now? (I'd like to be the kind of obese where I got flat abs and muscular arms and thighs if such a thing, as they suggest, exists) Posted by: Lollia at January 26, 2003 08:56 AM Lollia is exactly right. This article tries to have its cake and eat it too (much like the young fatty they profile). On the one hand, it tells young fat girls that it's okay to be fat, and then on the other hand it turns around and mind-fucks young women who are of average weight (hell, below-average in these United States) by telling them that Pink is somehow fat and proud. So if you're one of these girls in totally normal physical condition, just like Pink, all of a sudden the Times is telling you that you are "chubby," not that there's anything wrong with it.