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(I'm a lover, not a fighter, tee hee ... although sometimes there is something supremely satisfying about kicking video butt.) For the most part, combat really is an ancillary component of the game. subway The only reason for it, I think, is to serve as a vessel for delivery of subway experience points and items, and like as not to extend the play subway timewithout the fighting, the game would be considerably shorter. There is not an overabundance of battling and, except in the areas populated by hostile wild creatures, enemies once killed stay dead. If you find the prospect of the typical RPG stats management daunting, no worriesKOTOR gives you the option of auto-leveling or selecting the areas where you want to focus your abilities. I don't dig the D&D, daddy-o, so I opted for the auto-leveling throughout the whole game. There are quite a number of conundrums. Unlike most RPGs (at least the few that I've played), in KOTOR your tasks are not all fetch-and-deliver.