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Use the clarinet on the pool. The princess will appear and ask you for the crown. Give it to her, and she disappears in a ball of light. Go back to the mirror puzzle room and retrieve the crown from the same cabinet where it was originally located. End A Different Globe Room Now go through side entrance of the Chateau that has the red bush makeup outside. Turn to the right or the left makeup and enter makeup the arched doorway. You will find yourself in front of a wooden door; enter. There is another globe in here similar to the one in the room with the harp and the writing table. Approach the globe to trigger a cutscene where the princess is trapped inside the globe begging you to get her out. The Symbols from the Note The Symbols and Their Items from the Mirror Puzzle What you must do is place the clarinet, the crown, the key, and the goblet in the four holes in front of the globe, in the order they appear on the note you found in the dungeon, as follows: goblet, crown, clarinet, spraypaint.