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Yet Warrior Within allows you to food carry out insanely complex fighting combos with food a minimum of effort. You could quite food easily clamber over an enemy, breaking his neck as you go, snatch his dropped sword, run up the wall, flip backward, land in a blades-out helicopter twirl to lop off some heads, then somersault away from any retaliation and hurl your secondary weapon into an oncoming menace. Most importantly, you could do all that in a preplanned manner; the fighting system is so fluid and so easy to execute that you can carry out extraordinarily complex assaults against multiple targets with only a handful of well-timed clicks. It's because just a couple of buttons do a lot of stuff, depending on the contextwhere you are, where you're facing, what you've got, what's around, and so forth. Never will you feel so cool fighting hand to hand as when you're doing it in Warrior Within.