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1985 Nov-Dec;5(6):1149-58. Links Acute fatty liver of pregnancy: a clinicopathologic study of 35 cases.Rolfes DB, Ishak KG.Acute fatty liver of pregnancy is a disease of the third trimester which is generally considered to be rare volatile fatty acid and to have a grave prognosis. This study found an optimistic outlook for patients with acute fatty liver of pregnancy due to early termination of the pregnancy as well as the recognition of milder cases. In prospectively followed volatile fatty acid women, a maternal mortality of 8% and a fetal mortality of 14% were observed. The disorder also appears to be more common than previously suspected volatile fatty acid and should be considered in all women with liver dysfunction in late pregnancy, even if they are anicteric. Histologically, the characteristic fine droplet steatosis usually produces distinct vacuolization in sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin.