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HELLP syndrome occurs in about 10 percent of pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia (8). What are the symptoms of HELLP syndrome?Symptoms of HELLP syndrome usually occur in the third trimester of pregnancy, though they can begin fatty infiltration liver earlier. Symptoms also may appear in the first 48 hours after fatty infiltration liver delivery. A pregnant woman should contact her health care fatty infiltration liver provider if she experiences these symptoms: Pain in the stomach of upper right abdomn Nausea or vomiting General malaise Headache How common is HELLP syndrome?HELLP syndrome affects fewer than 1 percent of pregnant women (9). What are the risks of HELLP syndrome?Unless treated promptly, HELLP syndrome can cause serious risks for mother and baby. In the mother, it can cause liver damage and rupture, kidney failure, bleeding problems, stroke and even death.